About Us

A Few Words

About Us

Food For Soul is a campaign run by IGVT(International Goudiya Vedanta Trust), a charitable Organization Founded By Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Mahārāja.
Our aim : To provide pure vegetarian food to the needy with the mission to make a hunger free world. The only purpose of this mission is to help the needy and the neglected ones by serving. So this mission, which is one of its kind, is serving those who desperately deserve to be helped the most.
International Goudiya Vedanta Trust,
New Delhi, India
Why Choose Us

Why Food?

Food, shelter and cloth are the basic necessities of a living entity to survive. Among them, food is most necessary thing, without food it is impossible to survive. Unfortunately, every year millions of people are dying due to hunger. According to THE WORLD COUNTS reports, around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. 1 out of 9 people are going to bed without food every day. Therefore, more than anything, it’s an urgency to feed those who are need.

Certified Org.
IGVT is a certified organization by Indian Government.​
Great Volunteer
Our volunteer respond every time with a big warm smile.
We are maintaining the cleanness and preparing hygiene food.
By different activity we are able to impact the thousand of people live.​
We are doing distributing: Food , Blanket, Grocery Kit, Book and other.

Why Food ?

Food, shelter and cloth are the basic necessities of a living entity to survive.

Among them, food is most necessary thing, without food it is impossible to survive. Unfortunately, every year millions of people are dying due to hunger. According to THE WORLD COUNTS reports, around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. 1 out of 9 people are going to bed without food every day. Therefore, more than anything, it’s an urgency to feed those who are need.

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